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FT in Italy 2016 - preparations

Preparation for Italy Dear Friends Last year when I went to Italy and wrote a sort of running journal, my list of people to send it to g...

Sunday, 25 September 2016

23 September

chiesa Nuova and the Rocca
First mornong, we hit the ground running, lots to do from now on. So Morning Prayer at 7.15 on the roof top garden from which we could see the whole of Assisi spread put, and watch the rising sun on the mpuntains opposite. Gradually, as we greeted Assisi in words from several books, the sun spread baxk towards us across the valley. After Morning Prayer we pointed out various key features and what the different towers belonged to and so on. You could see people were really moved to be there, the first time for many of them, and  the hoe of many years. We had a quick breakfast and then down to the Chiesa Nuva, one of Francis' birthplaces, where we had Mass and an excellent homily from Andre about the way children interrupt and interfere with grown up plans, that this is what Francis did to the church and what many of the Church's children have done, to the Church's annoyance!

From there we went down to look at the supposed stanle ans the little chapel of Francescuccio, little Francis, where people still bring babies and small children for healing. Then a coffee break, we three went to the Bar Sensi to have coffee and pan cacciata, the autumn speciality with nuts in, delicious, a kind of spicey bread, part of the pilgrimage for me now. After that we met again and went to the house of Bernard of Quintavalle, still up for sale, nobody can afford it so the family who live there comtinue to do so. Probably the Comune wont let them leave it empty to fall to bits, but dont help sell it either. The pilgrims are full of plans to go to Chiara di Dio tonight, Monchael, a school teacher is organising them in the manner born, and the whole lot are going to eat cena together and then on to the the theatre. I hope it is good and they love it.

They had a break after pranzo and a lecture from Murray on Francis and non-violence, after which we toiled up to the Rocca, quite a climb and a couple of pilgrims are not really nimble enough for it, nt to mention Murray and me!! Once ghe he gave a good historical input and we had a prayer service based around an imagined dialogue between the Sultan and Francis. Then we had time to prayer for different  intentions around violence, war etc etc. After cena, the long day got longer be ause we showed them the Liliana Cavani film about Francis, the one with Helena Bonham Carter. I have lost count how often I have seen it now, but I still see something new in it each time. It was long and did not end until nearly 11pm. Actually they are going to Vhiara di Dio the next noght, Saturday, something has gne wrong here! Sorry. I think i will post ths and then do Saturday separately. Love to all ft

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